
The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach…

At least, that’s what my best friend Tessa tells me when she wrangles me into testing out her latest alternative to dating apps. She believes that a little cookie bribery is all it takes to land Prince Charming.

It’s up to me to protect Tessa from herself and the entire male population of Cache Valley from her baking.

When Tessa has a cookie emergency, I dash to her rescue, only to run into (literally) the most attractive man I’ve ever seen.

It wouldn’t have been a problem if there hadn’t been sparks (there were) and I didn’t dump my cookies and dash like a baked goods Cinderella (I did). Luckily, I will never see him again and have to relive that embarrassment.

That is, until my Cookie Prince Charming starts working in the department next to mine.

I was out to prove Tessa wrong, but what if the man I accidentally cookie baited is Mr. Right?

My life is falling apart before my eyes. I lost my boyfriend and my job, leaving my summer plans looking like they were shot with a shotgun. And to add a little more gasoline to the fire, my ex-boyfriend sent me an invitation to his wedding.

Who does that?

So I take my older sister up on her offer to let me visit her through the summer in exchange for a little bit of help with my two adorable nieces when she has her baby at the end of July. A free place to stay, far away from all of the drama that is my life? I’ll take it.

I pack up my tiny car and drive to the tiniest mountain town on the Wasatch Back–Sherman Pines. The problem with my man-free summer plans doesn’t become apparent until my car breaks down just outside of town, and now I have to rely on Carter Hayes, the insufferable–and unfortunately, only–mechanic in this tiny town to fix it.

When my summer becomes a raging dumpster fire of epic proportions, Carter is the only one who can douse the flames. I just have to be able to convince everyone around us that the fiery passion between us is love, not hate.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.